Thursday, April 3, 2008

An Incident That Shocked The Hell Outta Me..

There's this clan called, the Bachelors' Clan, sad to say but we are all in it.. the clan consists of, YAB Boonster, Joshi Yang Maha Mulia, Musang( economics pro ), Mingao( the Cat ), Ani Puah( The Monk) , Koolvyn, Darryl Big Cow, Ivan Birdy Bird King, Gay Lord and lastly The ChinaChap me..

However, one fine night, there was a member from the clan who went for clubbing with a whole bunch of people.. There,Then, some surprising/shocking/awestrucking/dumbfounding/ludicrously outta of the world thing happened.. That particular member actually french kissed a girl.. Adding to the fact that that particular member was among the most shy ones in the clan, and he did it all before the others..

During the kiss, however he was half drunk, adding to his "pleasure"..the girl was anything but hot( I'm being straight forward, blame me if u want to ) and also that the girl's in a relationship.. Girls' like this are better off working at Chow Kitt Road.

So the "scandal" goes.. Few pictures were taken.. I wonder, shall the Bachelors' Clan "look up" upon his"bold-ness" or his "taste"..This bloke is close to being Edison Chen ( the Malaysian version ).. here are the "famous" pictures for readers to either salute or guffawed at... enjoy =)

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