Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Start Of A Whole New Chapter../ crap

I was anticipating the start of getting into college, there were a mixture of nervousness and excitement in me..

Monday was the first day of college life, surprised to find out there is gonna be a whole week of orientation.. the first day went well, nothing much, introductions and stuffs like that.

However the 2nd was crap, there happened to be this game called "Discovering Taylors"..well i would say it's something like Amazing Race Taylors.. we were divided into groups, each with a piece of paper containing questions that are to be solved, and after having those questions solved, we would have to run around Taylor's Business School, the main campus and the ADP building to get verification from the teachers.. damn it was real nonsense..

Well we chose to forfeit the game half way through, and went for lunch.. lol

The 3rd Day in which was yesterday, we were all required to wear formal..god knows why

It was another crappy day, until Economics lecture! there's this lecturer with the name of Mr. Ang Wen Long, gawd he's hilarious shit! we had fun throughout his lecture, his gestures made us laugh our guts out, and his voice was "cute" as well. One student tried to make fun of his voice by saying "why does ur voice sound like a chipmunk?!"..ermm that made my day.. that's all

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